Réseau Otaku > Tsukasa Hojo

[CH] OAB's Questions

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Do you think it works if I write on the H.T official Website


a Message with the Question Why no City Hunter / CH Angel Heart / Cat's eye for Germany ????

or on the Contact


because the new Problem is the German Manga  Editors says if H.T not answer and give the Lizens for the CH Mangas in the next time (quickly) they have also no interest in it more  :cry:  and buy some  Lizens from other Mangas

and that is the 100% end for city Hunter in Germany forever

What I wanted still to ask about T.H. F.Compo

What is the story of F.Compo and is it better as Cat's eye or City Hunter Mangas ??? ( I mean story , art , Comedy and and and)

F.Compo has only 14 Mangas right ???

and what can you tell me about F.Compo (you like it or not ...)

Tenshi no kokoro:
Hello OAB!!! Welcome on this forum!!!

Family compo is about a family where the parents have switched their roles: the mother is a man (Sora/Haruka) and the father a woman (Yukari/Katsuhiko). They have a daughter (Shion) but we don't know if she really is a girl or a man. One day, a very normal boy named Masahiko comes to live with them. His father's just died and Yukari was his mother's little brother (you're still following??) :wink: At the beginning Masahiko doesn't know anything about his new family. So there will be a lot of funny situations.

There are 14 volumes and it's a very good manga (but I still prefer City hunter and Angel Heart)


--- Citation de: OAB ---because the new Problem is the German Manga  Editors says if H.T not answer and give the Lizens for the CH Mangas in the next time (quickly) they have also no interest in it more  :cry:  and buy some  Lizens from other Mangas

and that is the 100% end for city Hunter in Germany forever
--- Fin de citation ---

Panini has bought the rights to all Hojo's Manga for Europe, so you have to ask them, if they intend to published it in Germany. It's no use asking Hojo, since he already sold the rights to one company for Europe. It's up to Panini to translate it or not in Germany, and I guess it will depend on the market.

Ok thanks to  Tenshi no kokoro

and I have write an E-Mail to Panini and wait now for the answer  :roll:



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